Senators facebook antigone davis
Subcommittee: Protecting Kids Online: Facebook, Instagram …
30 sep. 2021 — WASHINGTON, D.C. —U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, Chair of the Subcommittee … Antigone Davis, Director, Global Head of Safety, Facebook.
Lawmakers hammer Facebook for hiding how its products …
Senators hammer Facebook’s Antigone Davis at Capitol Hill hearing for hiding how Instagram hurts kids – The Washington Post
30 sep. 2021 — At the hearing, Facebook executive Antigone Davis argued the company’s research in fact showed that teen girls struggling with mental health …
The Capitol Hill hearing comes on the heels of explosive reporting that Facebook played down how toxic its products are for teen girls.
Facebook Grilled by Senators Over Its Effect on Children
Facebook to Face Senate Grilling Over Instagram’s Effects on Teens – The New York Times
4 okt. 2021 — Members of the Senate’s consumer protection subcommittee admonished the executive, Antigone Davis, Facebook’s global head of safety, for …
The company faces accusations that it hid research showing the mental and emotional harm that Instagram, its photo-sharing app, has on teenagers.
Congress grills Facebook exec on Instagram’s harmful effect …
Congress grills Facebook exec on Instagram’s harmful effect on children | Facebook | The Guardian
30 sep. 2021 — Antigone Davis, Facebook’s global head of safety, faced a grilling before the US Congress on Thursday in a hearing examining the impacts of …
Senators highlighted research revealed in the Wall Street Journal showing how the photo app could affect girls’ body image and self-esteem
Who is Antigone Davis? Facebook Head of Safety to Testify to …
Who is Antigone Davis? Facebook Head of Safety to Testify to Senate
29 sep. 2021 — Davis, Facebook’s Global Head of Safety, will represent the company in a hearing on Thursday, September 30th before the Senate Commerce …
Once identified as the “woman in charge of your child’s safety on Facebook,” Davis is not Facebook’s most well-known representative.
Facebook grilled by Senate over company’s impact on kids
30 sep. 2021 — The hearing, featuring Facebook’s global head of safety, Antigone Davis, is the first of two that the Senate Commerce Committee is holding on …
Facebook exec will testify at Senate hearing after report finds …
Facebook exec will testify at Senate hearing after report finds Instagram harms teen mental health
23 sep. 2021 — Facebook agreed to send Antigone Davis, global head of safety, to testify before the Senate Commerce subcommittee on consumer protection on Sept …
Facebook agreed to send Antigone Davis, global head of safety, to testify before the Senate Commerce subcommittee on consumer protection on Sept. 30.
Facebook Senate Hearing: Executive Testified About …
Facebook Senate Hearing: Executive Testified About Instagram’s Impact on Young Users
Facebook testified before members of the Senate Commerce Committee about its products’ effects on young people’s mental health.
Facebook testified before members of the Senate Commerce Committee about its products’ effects on young people’s mental health.
Senators Accuse Facebook of Disregarding Research …
Senators Accuse Facebook of Disregarding Research Showing Harm to Teens – WSJ
30 sep. 2021 — Facebook’s global head of safety, Antigone Davis, testified at a Senate hearing Thursday over the company’s internal research about its …
Facebook came under heavy fire at a Senate hearing over the impact of the Instagram app on teenagers’ mental health.
The Senate Is Mad as Hell at Facebook—Again – WIRED
The Senate Is Mad as Hell at Facebook—Again | WIRED
30 sep. 2021 — Senate Commerce Subcommittee Hearing On Protecting Kids Online. Facebook’s head of global safety, Antigone Davis, testified remotely before …
The latest hearing on Instagram and teen mental health was the depressing work of a legislature that can’t legislate.
Keywords: senators facebook antigone davis